Living life together

We are so excited to share with you everything God is doing in Tanzania as well as hear what he is doing in your lives! Thank you for partnering with us in God's work all around the world!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yard Sale!

$4,000!!!!! We are soooo tired but soooo grateful. The yard sale was a huge success.  We were hoping to raise all of the money we needed for a car in Tanzania by selling all of our stuff plus donations from others.  About a month ago some furniture started coming to our house and we were able to put some stuff on craigslist.  We then realized we needed to start selling our stuff on craigslist to try and get a better price than at our yard sale.  After about 3 weeks of selling the bigger stuff, we already had made about $1,000.  Then after two days of a yard sale we started totalling up everything and it was amazing how much everything added up to. 
At first we were told that a car that we would want would be about $3800 but after we looked into it we found out with shipping costs and taxes it would be about $8,000.  We just got on last night to see if there were any cars that were on sale and found a perfect car that would cost around $4,000 all together.  It is amazing how that always seems to happen.  We weren't even shopping for a cheaper car, we just found a Toyota that we were told by our base leader was a good car that we should look into and they happen to have one on the site we went to.  We have the car on hold and he is checking with his mechanic to make sure it is a good car and then we will start the purchasing process.  The yard sale may have made the perfect amount to cover the whole car! 
This process is still so draining and overwhelming.  We are working on our house, going through paperwork that we have saved for the last 6 years making sure we don't lose anything, separating boxes to be stored at Nick's dads house (the things we absolutely don't want to get rid of), a couple boxes for my parents house (the pictures and girls memory box we want to keep completely safe), our bags for tanzania, the things we need this summer and the bags for the teams that come from church to bring with them of extra stuff that won't fit!  We need to have all of this done to move out of our house, into my parents house on the 24th of July!  We are on track but have to stay motivated to get through everything on time.  Thank you for your prayers and we were sooo excited to share the amazing results of the yard sale and the car we found. 


  1. Hey Forrest Fam... Added you to my reader, and will be following your progress to and in Africa. So proud of you guys, and praying for a smooth and safe transition for your family!!! Cousin Jamie

  2. Hey girlies! SO happy for the yard sale and your car over there! Know that your Auntie Mai Mai is praying for you and the process of moving...make sure that you girlies have a special bin of your things it will be SO fun to go through those someday...I remember giving certain toys to this day I can picture the special toy that we had to leave here or in Ecuador but there was something special about later on as a big girl finding my "old" things that we kept in a barrel...=) LOVE YOU! Hugs and kisses!! xoxoxo praying for you all!
