Living life together

We are so excited to share with you everything God is doing in Tanzania as well as hear what he is doing in your lives! Thank you for partnering with us in God's work all around the world!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cream of wheat and PBnJs

Some things i have learned about tanzanian culture:

The word "please" doesn't compute
The white taxis don't stop if you are crossing
Celine Dion has made a serious comeback in Africa
When food is available, everyone has a few minutes to talk...

We had a teacher from Korea this month that came to talk about humility and Servanthood. He was teaching in English and there was a translator was speaking in Swahili. It was a really good set of teaching for a couple of reasons. First off, as he spoke with such a thick korean accent, it was hard to catch all that he was saying. So, in order to understand everything, I had to really focus on the Swahili translation of what he was saying. Needless to say, I picked up a lot of new vocal. Lately all of us have been speaking quite a bit of Swahili; even the girls. They now have a couple of worship songs that are their favorites in Swahili.
The second reason I enjoyed what he had to say so much was how inspiring he was. He is a 59 year old man that says he is just about finished with his missionary training after 25 years of full time ministry. He described a time in his life when his ministry to a group of day-laborers was just to show up with tea and bread under a tree. He said so many came to the lord in those days and I was captivated. So I got an idea...
Around the corner from where we live is a long stretch of houses with lots and lots of kids. Every saturday morning, the girls ask to go for a walk so one Saturday I got up early and began to cook a huge pot of cream of wheat and a stack of quarter sliced peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and we went for a walk. As I mentioned earlier, as soon as food is available people have time to listen. We got about a quarter mile down the road before a whole group of kids were surrounding us eating sandwiches and porridge. While they ate, Hailey passed out more food while Hannah and I told them about Jesus. Eight of them asked Jesus into their hearts right there on the road. I praise the Lord that He used us in that way and I praise Him even more that my children were able to be a part of it. It was a good week.

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