Living life together

We are so excited to share with you everything God is doing in Tanzania as well as hear what he is doing in your lives! Thank you for partnering with us in God's work all around the world!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

No more fear

This past week has been a good week full of God's grace. Right after posting about fear I continued to seek the Lord for comfort. This place is so hard to live in. There are so many things that are so different than in America but the thing I love about being here is seeking the Lord in everything. There really isn't any way to run away from a hard situation or trust in something else. We have to trust in the Lord at all times and definitely not lean on our own understanding cause I sure do not understand anything really that goes on here:). Anyway a week ago we had a worship night and a celebration night thanking our guards for the work that they do to keep us safe. A goat was slaughtered as well as a pig. After we had a night of worship and it was amazing. Everyone was dancing around and you could just feel the tension lift, the fear leave and the joy of the Lord take hold. We walked home that night and I felt the unhealthy fear leave me and since then have slept great! There is still a healthy fear that brings wisdom in situations but the fear that had gripped me is gone. Thank you Jesus! Along with my fear this week we took Hannah's and hailey out to a boma. If you had been there the first time they ever went you would wonder why we ever tried again. They screamed and were soo scared they were shaking. Hannah loves baby and we thought this would be a good time to try so nick, Hannah, hailey and I set off to the boma of raziki and Baby Sara. We wanted to see how she was doing after these past couple months. Hannah was amazing. There was cow dung everywhere, the flies were awful, the boma was very very dirty and a couple of the women tried to pick Hannah up. She just smiled the whole time and when we got inside she wanted to hold baby Sara and just held her and talked to her the whole time. I was so proud of her. Hailey was comfortable after a little while but I realized she had never been inside a boma. For those of you who have never been it is pitch black except for a little hole of light coming in. It smells of smoke, the bees are bad inside and the flies are awful. You sit on the top of buckets or water cans and sometimes the smell is enough to make you lose your breakfast. The girls loved it! They loved the hole and kept covering it so it would be pitch black and would laugh and laugh. Hannah let the kids touch her arms and hair and just smiled. The fear that had gripped her as well is gone. She is still nervous and not super friendly but that fear that made her scream when a Masaai got close is gone! Thank you Jesus for your continued faithfulness to us!

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