Living life together

We are so excited to share with you everything God is doing in Tanzania as well as hear what he is doing in your lives! Thank you for partnering with us in God's work all around the world!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Some pictures of our adventures so far!

On our way to Engikaret to see the Massai women.   Hailey falls asleep every time she gets into the car... still has her dog!:) Hannah loves not having a car seat!

Saying goodbye to everyone to come back to Arusha. We were there for a ceremony to bless one of the woman that has been working out there for the last 5 years and is getting married and moving away. 

Becoming closer friends every day.  Hannah likes to dress like a ballerina whenever she can!:)

Hannah out in Engikaret with Promise and Rita (Rita is in the back making the face).  Hannah misses Rita when we have to come back into town.

Watching the celebration for Mary's wedding (like a bridal shower)
Hailey might have been a little tired waiting for her lunch:)

Ready to go to church for the first time. 

If you look closely at her arm you will see Hannah's favorite friend thus far, her gecko.

An answer to our prayers (well really Nick and Hailey's). We have a dog that comes by our house every morning for breakfast.  A puppy, maybe 3 months old. Nick and Hailey named him "woof".  He keeps trying to come in for shelter but Heidi keeps kicking him out. :)


  1. I love the pictures and your unfolding love all of YOU!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing.I continue to pray for you!
